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Professional Travel Coach

Everything happens in meetings

In the end of 2018, I made a new decision in my life (yes, I have taken decisions like this many times in my life and the thing that is so wonderful is that what I want – seems to come to me). I decided to travel more. I imagined the whole world in my hand realized it is time to take a new step in my life.


Almost 2 months after my decision, November 23, 2018, I got the opportunity of getting to know one of the world's largest travel companies.


In 2019, I traveled to Barcelona, ​​Dublin, Dubai and Nice. Besides visiting these beautiful places, I have also made so many new friends - both in Sweden and around the world. As the sub-heading reads; - everything happens in meetings!


Getting to know new people, new cultures and visiting new nice places in our wonderful world have been an awesome experience and is something I will continue doing for the rest of my life. When we travel and get to know each other, we become friends. As friends, we take care of each other!



Do you also want to travel more in your life? Contact me by filling the form below and I will tell you how to do!

På väg!
Click on the images to see my personal
photo-collection from my trips!

Boka mig!

Varmt välkommen att skicka en kostnadsfri offertförfrågan av Ingrid – personligt hela vägen.

Vår ambition är att göra det enkelt för dig som kund, oavsett vad klockan är eller var i världen du befinner dig, att kunna skicka en förfrågan till oss. Tryck på knappen nedan för att fylla i formuläret:

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